Preferred Providers

1. HCF
As an HCF dental benefits member, you may be entitled to a free dental check-up, X-rays, clean and mouthguard every six months.
HCF’s More for Teeth provider network can help you maintain great oral health.
Available to HCF members with selected extras cover, it offers 100% back on a range of diagnostic and preventative services (subject to annual limits).
Claims can be made on the day through our HICAPS machines.
Please go to or call HCF on 13 13 34 for more information.

Save on all your dental fees without the need for private health extras cover.
Reduced treatment fees with no waiting, limits or exclusions – all for under $100 a year!
On-the-spot benefits. Reduced Treatment Fees. No Benefit Limits. No Treatment Exclusions.
Please go to or call 1300 238 648

3. NIB
As Bupa Insurance members you can access a range of preventative dental services at Prime Care Dental which means you can come in for a check-up with a scale and clean and your preventative dental services will only require a small gap fee.
Preventative services include: Comprehensive oral examination Intra-oral digital x-rays Scale, clean and polish Fluoride and other preventative treatments other services available to members.

We’re a member-owned, not-for-profit health fund empowering communities, getting the most for our members and helping to make sense of health insurance.

The Dental Choice Network is a group of dental service providers who have committed to reducing or removing the gap for selected preventative dental services that you would usually pay between the dentist’s charges and the CBHS benefit.
Prime Care Dental is part of that network, and by choosing us, you will have no out-of-pocket expenses for these selected services.
Please go to or call 1300 654 123
To learn more, give us a call on (02) 6024 1516 for more information. Request your appointment online.
We are located at 340 Beechworth Road in Wodonga.